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Costs of Purchase and Transaction Taxes

When you are buying a property in Spain you need to know that, in total, your costs of buying the property will be up to around 12% – 13% of the purchase price.

If you are obtaining a mortgage, you can of course include these costs in the mortgage amount you request, providing this remains within the maximum percentage available against the property value and on your income.


The following is an example of expenses, incurred when purchasing and owning a property in Spain (it is always best to confirm with a Lawyer in case of changes).

This estimate of 13% includes:

Your lawyer’s fees, which are likely to be 1200 Euros for the work he/she does, plus the fees he/she has had to pay out, for example, for the Nota Simple, Certificación Registral, the Certificación Catastral, the notary fees for the power of attorney, etc.

The notary, registration and handling (gestoría) fees, which should together amount to less than 1% of the purchase price. Normally is 1000 Euros more or less.

The notary charges according to a fixed scale depending on the size of the property and its price, and is likely to be around of £500.

The fee for the registration will be around half of the notary’s fee. For example, on a property valued around €100,000) the notary’s fee would be around €500), the registration fee around €300), and the handling fee (around €50) – in this case the three together amount to 0.85 % of the property value.

If you were obtaining a mortgage, there would be the same fees to pay for registering the mortgage deed, although the amounts will be less, as the mortgage will be less than the value of the property.

In addition, Stamp Duty is charged on mortgage deeds of 1%.

You will also pay the IVA (VAT) of 10% on a new building. In addition, where IVA (VAT) is involved, there is an Impuesto sobre Actos Jurídicos Documentados (stamp duty) of 1%.

Transfer tax is also levied on other property types such as a garage space in a car park. In this case, it’s applied as a sliding scale, example as follows:

8% on garage spaces up to €30,000
9% on garage spaces priced between €30,000 and €50,000
10% on garage spaces priced over €50,000.

If you buy a second-hand house, you will pay the Impuesto de Transmisiones Patrimoniales (TRANSFER TAX) of 8% up to €400,000 purchase and 9% for €400,000 to €700,000 purchase.

There is also the Impuesto sobre el Incremento del Valor de los Terrenos (IVT) – commonly known as plusvalía after its original name the arbitrio municipal de plusvalía – a municipal value-added tax, which usually should be paid by the purchaser.

The plusvalía is based on the valor catastral of the land (i.e., not on the value of the building), and is levied on the increase in this value since the last sale.

Your lawyer will be able to find out exactly how much the plus valía will be from the local municipal tax office, which keeps records of land values. (This should not be confused with the capital gains tax which is payable by the vendor).

We recommend Tacs4Expats in Benijofar as they provide you with Conveyancing, Tax Services and everything you need for purchasing and living legally in Spain.

They are also part of the BAR Association. Lawyers must be members of a Spanish bar association if they practise and advise, agree and defend public or private legal interests (article 9, Royal Decree 658/2001, dated 22 June, which approves the General Statute on Spanish Lawyers (Real Decreto 658/2001, por el que se aprueba el Estatuto General de la Abogacía Española, (RDEGA)).

CONTACT: info@tacs4expats.es QUOTING reference SPT2023.

Tacs4Expats – Tacs4Expats | Solicitors & Conveyancing

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